Green Seattle Day - plant trees with Columbians!

Join us in celebrating our beautiful city on one of the largest outdoor volunteering days of the year, Green Seattle Day 2018!

Come spend a morning being green with other Columbians as we help in restoring Seattle forests by planting trees with other volunteers in at the Rainier Beach Urban Farm and Wetland.  This event is family friendly and open to all ages.

Don't forget to wear your Columbia gear!

IMPORTANT: Sign up to volunteer for this event via the Green Seattle Partnership website.  RSVP ASAP if you plan to attend, as spots are limited and open to the public (as of Oct 9: 34 of 100 spots filled).  Please also RSVP via this site so we know to look for you and get you info on where to meet us day-of!


November 03, 2018 at 9:00am - 12pm

Rainier Beach Urban Farm & Wetland

5513 S Cloverdale St
Seattle, WA 98118
United States

Mary Byers

Debra Lee Dakota Meadows Mary Byers

Will you come?